Knightsville Elementary School continues to focus on preparing all students to experience academic success while developing world class skills, as well as life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. As we emerge from a second year the COVID-19 pandemic, our primary purpose is to identify and address any learning gaps noted as we continue to empower students to be lifelong learners who can meet the challenges of the future.
Our 2021-2022 current enrollment was approximately 690 students with a highly skilled, world class faculty and staff. As part of a high performing school district, Knightsville Elementary School continues to be dedicated to maintaining high expectations with rigor and relevance while building strong relationships and school pride among the students and school community.
Our school continues to make data-driven decisions to maximize academic gains with a renewed focus on learning gaps as we move toward continued student success utilizing targeted Reading and Math strategies. With the majority of students returning to in-person learning this year, we are pleased to report consistent academic growth in Reading and Math. Knightsville Elementary School's mission, vision, beliefs, and goals are summarized using three simple words: love, learn, lead. It is our desire to create an environment where the adults in the school love children, teach the children to love themselves, and teach the children to love others.
Our school culture includes high standards and expectations for learning where each child is to be actively engaged in learning throughout the day. We desire all stakeholders at Knightsville Elementary School to be leaders of themselves, others, the community, and the world. Children at Knightsville Elementary School not only achieve high academic success, but they receive strategic instruction on core lifelong guidelines building character and citizenship.
Our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) focus on our ROAR Procedures- Respect, Order, Achievement, and Responsibility. You will find this as an overall theme from the moment you enter our doors. We have implemented numerous interventions and support services that continue to enable all children at KES to experience success each day. As we emerge from a second year of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the teachers and staff, as well as families, continue to work diligently to enhance communication so that students will maintain the highest levels of academic engagement and academic focus during all learning opportunities.
Our Knightsville Elementary School families, teachers, and community partners are a driving force behind our school's success. Through our Parent Center, PTA, School Improvement Council, mentoring programs, and Title I services, the school's stakeholders participate in numerous events to meet the needs of all students and families.
We are very proud of the continued dedication of our faculty, staff, and families to the legacy of exemplary learning at KES. Academic success for lifelong learners is our daily focus, and we are committed to our students achieving even greater academic success in the years ahead. Keep ROARing!