Charleston Progressive Academy (CPA) is helping all students develop the world class skills expected in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Our school’s mission, “Building Tomorrow’s Leaders,” supports active engagement as we implement Franklin Covey’s Leader in Me (LIM) initiative. LIM provides opportunities that encourage critical thinking, collaboration and communication as it teaches the 7 Habits of Effective People in a student-friendly language and is directly aligned with the world class skills of the South Carolina Graduate. Habits 1-3 in LIM: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, and put first things first are the components of World Class Knowledge in the Profile of South Carolina Graduate. Habits 4 – 6: think win, win, seek first to understand and then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw are components of the World Class Skills in the Profile.
Although the 2021-22 school year opened with 99% of our students participating as in person learners, there were residual effects socially and academically from the previous pandemic years for our learners. However, students in grades 1- 5 experienced academic growth in both reading (55.2%) and in math (58.2%) as indicated on the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). Safety measures, although relaxed, remained in place. Students’ feeling of school belonging remained at a rate of 77% from the previous year. School family partnerships in social emotional learning increased from 78% to 80%. Both social emotional components were measured by the Leader in Me Measurable Results Assessment. This survey measures attitudes and behaviors of staff, students, and parents in Leader in Me (LIM) Schools. Students rated supportive relationships by staff, family, and friends at 89% on the district’s Panorama Survey, which also measures social emotional relationships. I absolutely attribute these consistent social emotional ratings to the initiatives that we have been able to implement under LIM.
Our data focus this year was on academic growth to gain learning loss and maintaining and building positive social emotional relationships at CPA due to pandemic absences. Our data indicates that what was implemented gave parents and students a sense of security and belonging. Our goal is to continue to effectively incorporate programs that align with the world class skills outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Our academic goal is by Spring 2027, all students will read on grade level by the end of fifth grade.
As the first school in Charleston County to become a LIM Lighthouse School, we will continue to offer various leadership opportunities that exemplify collaboration, critical thinking, and communication. This will ensure development of world class skills to increase the readiness for students at CPA. As educators, we know nothing is possible without the support of our parents and the community. We thank you for your continued support as we move into a school year focused on continuous growth in our academia while continuing to “Build Tomorrow’s Leaders!”
Wanda Wright-Sheats, Principal
Tamashia Flowers, School Improvement Council, Chairperson