Harbor View Elementary School is committed to helping students develop world-class skills, as outlined in the Profile of a South Carolina Graduate, by challenging students academically and supporting them emotionally to help them reach their full potential.
Harbor View Elementary creates a positive learning environment where every student is challenged to use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to achieve their goals. The dedicated teachers and staff work to create a school environment that is engaging and rigorous for all students using research-based curriculums and teaching practices. Instruction has a focus on creating opportunities for collaborative experiences and interpersonal communication as a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of standards and learning targets.
Harbor View actively engages our community to foster a collaborative framework to ensure all stakeholders are invested in the outcomes and futures of our students. Through our PTA, SIC, MTSS Framework, extra-curricular activities, teacher-parent relationships, and school communications, we strive to create a strong sense of community for our families. We put our students and families first to ensure that we create an environment that supports the whole child.
At Harbor View Elementary we continue to support Charleston County School District’s goal that all students will be reading on grade level by 2027. To reach this goal, we are implementing new reading, writing, and phonics curriculums to promote literacy for all students. We also utilize reading interventionists to target the specific needs of students through progress monitoring and small group interventions. Additionally, student data is collected regularly and teachers work collaboratively to analyze the results to best monitor and adjust instruction to meet student needs.
Harbor View Elementary will continue to cultivate a welcoming and nurturing school environment that puts our students first and provides every possible opportunity for student success and excellence.
Mark Connors- Principal
Erin Black- SIC Chair