Florence School District Three (FSD3) helps all students develop the world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by ensuring students are college or career ready. FSD3 is committed to providing equitable services, resources, and opportunities for all students aligned to their interests and talents. We connect students to innovative and challenging options such as STEM camps at Allen University, Activate Academy 2022 through Francis Marion University, McLeod Nursing Academy, and Leadership Camp through Francis Marion University. These learning opportunities engage students in hands-on, rigorous, and relevant programs of study that meet challenging academic standards and prepare our students for college and careers.
Student achievement continues to improve as teachers and interventionists provide diagnostic instruction to meet the needs of our students. Additionally, disciplinary infractions continue to decrease as we focus on student's social and emotional needs. We have implemented MTSS and Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) district-wide with a laser focus on addressing mental health.
The district continues to promote early college programs and dual enrollment courses to allow our high school students to earn college credits. FSD3 celebrated ten students in June 2020 and just recently celebrated six more students that graduated with their high school diplomas and an Associate's Degree from Florence- Darlington Technical College.
The district continues to collaborate with the Continuum located in Lake City. The Continuum is a breathtaking new $25 million facility in downtown Lake City. It is a regional center for education and workforce development, focused on advancing the knowledge and mastery of innovative and technical skills. We continue to expand our career track offerings and apprenticeship opportunities by working closely with the Continuum and our local colleges. We currently offer welding, HVAC, masonry, auto tech, building construction, health science, culinary arts, nail tech, and machine tool.
FSD3 has teachers, staff, instructional leaders, and the support staff who are competent and qualified and work diligently for the success of all students. FCSD3 continues to work toward becoming a premier school of choice and graduating college- or career-ready students and responsible and productive citizens.
Dr. Laura Hickson, Superintendent