Our school is helping all our students develop the World Class skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by introducing various mediums of growth which enables our students to gain the essential habits of minds. Those habits of minds will be their life long instruments that they will possess and utilize successful, independent learners.
Through our "Second Step " integrated character education program, our students will comprehend the importance of the motto "Come to Learn, Go Forth to Serve". As a result, they all come with their unique differences that we welcome, celebrate and embrace, and then produce together as a well rounded learning community.
Through our State Learning Standards based and school mission driven focus, our students have been introduced to rigorous instructional opportunities which are centered around STEAM content areas and offered by highly qualified and professionally supported teachers who did come with strong content backgrounds. Students are given opportunities to become part of their own learning process via various experimental grounds. Foreign languages, multicultural events, and meaningful exposure to world wide happenings via purposeful use of technology allowed our students to become productive twenty first century global citizens.
Through intentional and well designed counseling and mental health support,we have focused on the social emotional side effects of the global pandemic on the students and staff. It has been a research based fact that, in particular the virtual learners of the pandemic era have been impacted the most due to lack of appropriate social emotional interactions. Therefore, we believe that we are not only in a position to close the academic gap but also the gap in the social emotional growth had to become a priority for us. We believe that's the only way we could address the whole child and the whole healthy learning community.
In our perception, the GREEN Charter School of Spartanburg has been on the right track to educate and raise industry ready, globally competitive and responsible students who will become great assets for the human civilization for the remainder of the twenty first century.