Grove Elementary is helping all students develop World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing the highest quality instruction and promoting programs that assist all students in the fulfillment of individual potential.
At Grove we love, empower, and educate the whole child, so that students will use their unique gifts and talents to become successful and productive citizens of society.
Grove Elementary School has an intentional goal of providing a high degree of student engagement; challenging and meaningful curriculum that is supported by real-world connections. The enthusiasm and joy for learning is fostered from the first day a learner enters the doors to the day they exit and move onto the next educational opportunity. As we focus on students knowing what they are learning and why, we also make every effort to ensure they know what they need to do to learn and demonstrate achievement.
In an effort to provide a positive, creative, and learner-centered learning culture, our total staff continues to develop their skills in literacy, math, and technology integration through traditional as well as eLearning methods.. Every 5K - Grade 5 student is assigned a personal learning device (Chromebook) which enhances learning and outcomes. Collaboration, student engagement, and meaningful reflection are supported through this initiative as personalized learning is the goal. Grove has a history utilizing data-driven intervention programs in literacy following the Balanced Literacy model coupled with small group support and leveled math intervention supported by the gradual release model. The arts and drama opportunities are also offered through our unique programming including S.T.E.A.M labs, drama clubs, dance teams, honors chorus, art club, etc... Differentiated instruction is provided in a variety of formats to ensure that higher level skills are attainable with solid foundation for mastery in all content areas.
Instruction, culture and environment reflect and include student and staff diversity. From the front office to the last class on the second floor, the environment truly reflects the community of learners served and the college and career opportunities that may be pursued afterwards. The halls and walls are covered with student artwork, cultural displays, character words and messages of empowerment. Students see themselves in their learning space and their cultural strengths are highlighted throughout their learning day and in the physical school environment.
Just as instruction for learners is differentiated, professional development is offered at a variety of levels for teachers in all content areas. The Greenville County Schools' Instructional Protocol is a focus area for instructional planning and instructional delivery. Teachers plan units and summative assessments as a team and collaborate throughout the year while building lesson plans and formative assessments that support the desired achievement of the learners. As a result of these high expectations and exposure to learning, there multiple forms of assessment, feedback and demonstrations of learning in all settings. Learners and teachers in student-centered learning environments get lots of feedback. They get individual feedback, on both academic and social and emotional goals. They also get group or team feedback, based on projects or a team activity.
Grove Elementary supports the Greenville County initiative, Graduation Plus (G+), which encourages every student to achieve a diploma PLUS completion of a vocational/technical certificate and/or college credits. Academic rigor and student support programs also support a strong foundation of exposure to a variety of careers. Tutorials and peer tutoring occur in the morning before school. Every staff member mentors and community organizations from local businesses and mentoring agencies partner with the school as well. Students are offered leadership opportunities through Student Council, The Jr. Beta Club, Visionary Eagle Leaders, Honors Chorus, Girl Talk, Safety Patrol and peer tutoring. Along with educational training opportunities for parents, the school holds a Family Fun Field Day, talent show fundraisers, and an annual Health Fair to promote healthy ideas and provide health-related resources to parents. Proper nutrition and physical activity at school and at home are encouraged and communicated.
Parents are a major part of the Grove school family. Collaboration with parents and family is viewed as an integral part of our work, as parents participate in School Improvement Council, Parent Teacher Association, and the school volunteer program. Parent support programs are offered frequently through the Title I program and through community partners. The Strengthening Families Program and Positive Parenting are each well received and well attended. Grove personnel also expanded the community outreach program, Grove on the M.O.V.E., which brings agencies and support organizations directly in to the community.
Our community partners continue to support us as we continually work towards preparing our students for college and careers. Community support has expanded to include Public Education Partners who help build home libraries by providing thirteen free books to each child. During a dedicated leadership team and teacher supported activity, children were given the opportunity to choose books of interest and on their reading level. Communities in Schools has joined us to provide after school and summer academic and enrichment programs, as well as participate in celebrating our successes. West Gantt Baptist Church and Rockvale Baptist Church support and model the character education that is provided daily at Grove.
Grove Elementary focuses on developing the whole child by believing and achieving with our #EngagedEagles. We focus our support and services to Build a Better Graduate who is ready to lead South Carolina in the near future.
Grove Elementary School will develop and promote an environment that ensures ALL students will attain the highest level of academic success as determined by state and national standards. The entire school population: faculty and staff, parents, students, and community members will function as a system of support to provide an atmosphere where mutual respect, promoting a high quality curriculum, and embracing learning as a lifelong activity is fostered.
Joseph J. Stowe, Principal
Veronica Martinez, School Improvement Council Chair