Plainview Elementary School is committed to helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. We are accomplishing this goal by educating the whole child in mind, body, and character within a safe, caring, and academically challenging environment. Our students learn to use critical-thinking skills and problem-solving skills to compete and succeed in an increasingly globalized economy. We provide opportunities for students to develop life and career characteristics through guidance classes and school-wide initiatives in character education. The CATE instructor from McBee High School works with our sixth graders to develop their career path so that they can transition to middle/high school with the goal of targeting career and life goals.
Our hardworking and dedicated teachers continuously refine and improve instruction through extensive professional development opportunities which empowers them to practice research based instructional strategies. Our teachers stay abreast of current instructional practices and specific assessments that effectively gauge student learning and ensure data-driven instruction. Plainview Elementary teachers consistently strive to implement new and effective strategies to use in the classroom such as differentiated instruction, integrated literacy practices, Response to Intervention for English Language Arts, small group guided reading, interactive read aloud books, and support provided by a Reading Interventionist and a Literacy Coach. Our instructional practices are based on student data, teacher observations, and analyzing student work. Instruction is based on students’ needs and interests within every classroom and promotes and sustains a school community that believes that all students benefit from diverse and inclusive classrooms. Through a gamut of innovative, research proven strategies, students are taught to collaborate with others and employ teamwork to accomplish tasks within classroom instruction with the teacher as a facilitator. These strategies direct Plainview students to apply these problem-solving strategies to real-life situations.
Plainview prides itself in building caring, self-driven students. Through various school-wide programs, students have the opportunities to participate in career development activities as well as fundraising events. The school participates in various community related organizations. Students learn about career opportunities and job skills throughout the year from the local fire department and virtual field trips designed to expose students to the possibilities available to them.
As our school mission states, we encourage and celebrate success and promote the building of good character in both the school and the community. Our goal is to give students the necessary skills to be successful not only in their careers but also in life. Plainview parents, faculty/staff, and community members work together to educate our students to be successful leaders of tomorrow.
Jessica West, Chair of the School Improvement Council
Lauren Watson, Principal