Laurel Hill Primary School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by focusing on the four Cs -- critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Specifically, Laurel Hill Primary focused on collaboration and creativity throughout the 2019-2020.
In order to develop the whole child, collaboration is essential. In the fall of 2018, Laurel Hill Primary earned accreditation from NAEYC. We used NAEYC feedback to reflect on and improve our program this year. A team of educators attended the NAEYC conference in Nashville, TN and presented to our faculty upon return. We also established the Loggerhead Advisory Board (L.A.B)--a team of members from the PTA, SIC, and staff--whose purpose was to collaborate under one common goal. We created opportunities for professional development through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to focus on Lexia, Dreambox, and Bridges Math differentiation. We dedicated time each month to grade level planning and encouraged collaboration by using professional days to allow teams to plan, prepare, and problem solve the new Bridges Math curriculum.
Creativity is essential in ensuring resources are used efficiently for student success. From the data gathered, we funded a reading intervention position to provide research-based instruction for our Tier 3 learners. We also utilized support staff and community volunteers to serve as reading peers. At the onset of the school closure due to COVID-19, our team created packets to be sent home with each child on March 13th. Staff and administrators collaborated throughout the closure to provide high quality and differentiated instruction for all students. Teachers conducted whole group, small group, and one-on-one Zoom meetings to meet the needs of their students. Zoom meetings were also utilized to create and develop unique lesson plans that accommodated the online and offline instruction. With student achievement in mind, we were able to tailor our programs and approach to make sure all students made adequate growth and gains by the end of the school year.
Our motto is “WE > me”. Through collaboration and creativity, we can ensure all students at Laurel Hill experience success.
Ashley Dorsey, Principal
Emily Laird, SIC Chair