Briggs Elementary School has a long history of excellence and continues to strive to meet the needs of all students in a rapidly changing world. We are a K-6 elementary school serving families in the heart of Florence, South Carolina since 1953. With a total enrollment of 575, we boast a diverse population of students as well as a faculty and administration that is comprised of 100% highly qualified and certified teachers and administrators. While the instrument used to grade schools in South Carolina may change, the commitment to our students remains strong. We help our students develop world class skills by facilitating creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and a passion for learning by allowing students to discover and self-direct through the use of best practices.
We are an official Leader in Me School. Leader in Me is a whole-school improvement process based on the idea that everyone can be a leader. This evidence-based approach empowers students with the leadership and life-skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. By developing the WHOLE-child; socially, emotionally, academically and ethically, we will foster a school climate that promotes greatness!
Innovative initiatives continue to enhance the student learning experience at Briggs. Chromebooks are issued to every student for use during the school day and at home. Our early grades provide instruction through structured play, whole group, small group, and individual learning time. The use of iPads, Chromebooks, music, rhyme, crafts, and leveled texts are instrumental in grades K-2. Reading Recovery is provided to 1st grade students who struggle with reading on grade level. All students attend physical education, music, art, an agricultural education class, and Funmatics once a week.
We celebrate student success and reward students for working hard in the areas of academics, character, independent reading, and attendance. The life and career characteristics of perseverance, integrity, and work ethic are encouraged through positive reinforcement. Teachers and parents work together to support successful student outcomes.
Outside of the classroom, we offer various extracurricular programs to enrich the lives of our students. We offer before and after school academic programs as well as clubs that focus on physical fitness, art, music, good news, dance, drama, and 4H. Our Mentoring Matters Program served over twenty students this year and established a firm foundation for a long lasting relationship with our community members. Our school garden, observatory bee hive, outdoor learning classroom, and chicken coop provides our students with various hands on learning experiences. These farm to school healthy initiatives are made possible through grant funding and donations from our community and business partners.
We work daily to ensure our students have world-class knowledge by aligning all lessons to rigorous standards. Continuous improvement is important in our endeavor to prepare students for the future. In the area of academics, we are working to improve our standardized test scores for students with disabilities. While the data shows that these students are making progress each year, it is not at a rate equivalent to their peers.
We are proud to be Bulldogs at Briggs Elementary School and look forward to continuing our long standing tradition of excellence.
Tara Newton, Principal
Joy Higgs, SIC Chair