North Mullins Primary School helps all students develop the world class skills, life, and career characteristics of the Profile of the SC Graduate by implementing the 21st Century learning environment. Through rigorous learning experiences, we inspire students to think critically and solve real-world problems. We utilize Into Math for one-to-one computing for 1st and 2nd grade students and the iReady program for differentiated learning experiences. North Mullins Primary follows the Marion County Schools District curriculum where instruction is correlated to State Standards in all subjects and assessments match instruction. Through collaboration and professional development with the Assistant Principal of Instruction and Reading Coach, our teachers continue to implement Open Court; teach effective math strategies; use hands-on experiments for science; and explore inquiry based on questioning to learn social studies content. We continue to emphasize on a daily basis that building a strong partnership with all stakeholders is crucial to our students’ success.
At North Mullins Primary we continue to provide many instructional programs such as:
- Open Court
- Into Math
- iReady
- Inspire
- Reading Recovery
- Reading Interventionist
- LLI Small Group Instruction
Teachers incorporate guided reading and guided math groups into their classrooms daily to assist student's academic needs. Teachers analyze their data regularly to ensure small group instruction that is effective for every student. Students are not the only learners at North Mullins Primary. Teachers become learners as they attend professional development and professional learning communities. Our District continues to partner with E3 Insight Advanced Education. Teachers have regular common planning meetings biweekly where the Reading Coach and Assistant Principal of Instruction provides trending academic improvement and best practices to enhance their classroom instruction.
Our school continues to operate as a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) School. Our attention is focused on creating and sustaining our systems of support that improves lifestyle results (personal, health, social, work, recreation, family) for making the inappropriate behavior less effective, efficient, and relevant, and the desired behavior more functional. The positive behavior support for all students within our school is implemented in areas, including the classroom and non-classroom settings. The PBIS team provides Spring formals for all students, Popcorn Day, Popsicle/ Ice Cream Day, and Fun Day. The PBIS team provides school supplies and fun items. Our Guidance Counselor and SRO continues to expand the guidance's Character Education Program.
North Mullins Primary School continues to build a caring supportive school environment that promotes student's academic success - academic attitudes, motivation, engagement, increases student attendance, and goal setting - through various activities.
Listed below are some of the activities that students participate in:
- DHEC Nutrition Programs (4K Students)
- Red Ribbon Week Activities
- American Education Week
- Spelling Bee
- Math Bee
- Read Across America
- 100 Days of School
- Book Character Day
- STEM Night
- Parent Engagement Night
- The Ned Show
- Graduates Walking Through the School Hallways
- Montessori Family Night
- Books are Fun, Book Blast
- School Store Fundraiser
- My First Library
- Schoolwide Awards Ceremony
- Second Grade Transition Ceremony
- Montessori Bridging Ceremony
- School-Wide Mentor Individual Support
- Father/daughter – Mother/son formal
- Spring formal
In addition, North Mullins Primary partners with local schools, community members, and businesses. Second Grade students visited McCormick Elementary School and Marion Intermediate, including our special education population, as well as our fifth-grade students visited Palmetto School to familiarize themselves with the new learning environment they will transition to the following year. Our fifth-grade students had the opportunity to tour the Academy of Career and Technology to explore various career paths.
However, our school data showed substantial growth on district-wide assessments. During the 2023-2024 school year, reading proficiency was attained by fifty-two percent of our students, while forty-seven percent showcased mastery in mathematics at their respective grade level. We It is imperative that we work together as a team for the success of our students.
Our students know they are brave, they are kind, they are smart, but most of all they are loved.
Kimberly Fogan, Principal
Dr. Tracey Gunter, SIC Chairperson