Dutchman Creek Middle School of Rock Hill Schools (York County 3) is committed to helping all students develop the world class skills as defined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. As National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform National School to Watch, Dutchman Creek focuses its efforts on all areas of academic excellence, developmental responsiveness, and social equity. During the 2023-24 school year, Dutchman Creek joined other select schools in Rock Hill in becoming a Leader in Me school, utilizing the Franklin Covey framework of improvement. Students at Dutchman Creek Middle School are immersed in collaborative instruction, learning workshops, and blended learning approaches in order to bridge concrete and abstract thoughts and to assist in understanding factors relevant to the real world. Teams of teachers work in professional learning communities to develop appropriate lessons of instruction and measurable assessments in the core areas of math, science, social studies, and language arts. As teachers consider curriculum, instruction, and assessments, best practices are affirmed and strengthened. A variety of data sources are examined to determine the system’s effectiveness and its impact on student performance.
In addition, Dutchman Creek offers a wide range of supports for students and families. All students are provided with instruction that enables them to show mastery on the standards-based state assessments regardless of ability, gifted and talented identification, or language acquisition level; however, by identifying students’ specific needs and areas of strength, each student receives instruction that best supports them as individual learners. All students participate in classes with high academic and behavioral expectations.
The purpose of the various branches of the Dutchman Creek Professional Learning Community is to collect and analyze relevant data to support decisions that will afford students the best educational experiences possible. In addition, students may participate in many opportunities for school and community service efforts.
Service and Community achievements include: In 2023, Dutchman Creek continued its work as a National School to Watch by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grade Reform. Dutchman Creek was re-designated as a Special Olympics Unified Champions School for partnering with the special needs community to provide inclusive athletic participation opportunities for students. The 2022-23 Dutchman Creek Jr. Beta Club was again named a National School of Distinction for volunteer hours served. Other civic accomplishments included the Gators Care student wellness group serving as volunteers at the Miracle Park Special Needs Recreation League and the Area Eleven Special Olympics of South Carolina.
Academic achievements include: A total of 42 students qualified for the regional National History Day competition held at Winthrop University. Twenty one (21) students went on to qualify for the state competition and three students qualified for the national competition.
Achievements in the arts include: The Dutchman Creek Orchestra had two students selected for South Carolina Region Orchestra, one of which qualified for the South Carolina State Honors Orchestra. A total of 58 Dutchman Creek Band students earned Superior with Distinction ratings in the South Carolina Regional Solo and Ensemble Assessment, 31 of which were selected for the Rock Hill Schools Honors Band, and 26 earning South Carolina Region Band distinction. Six students qualified for the South Carolina State Honors Band. The Dutchman Creek Chorus earned a Superior with Distinction rating at the SC Chorus Assessment. Dutchman Creek placed behind a high school team in the Carowinds Engineering Day Roller Coaster Contest. The Dutchman Creek Battle of the Books team placed Runner-Up in the city competition.
Athletic achievements include: The 7th Grade volleyball team and the 7th grade football team finished their seasons as Conference Champions. The 7th and 8th Grade girls basketball team won the conference championship. The 8th grade boys basketball team finished as conference tournament runner-ups.The girls and boys track teams both finished as conference runner-ups.
Dutchman Creek Middle School remains focused on utilizing common assessments and integrated units of study to sustain the level of excellence necessary to enhance the progress of students in the areas of math and reading comprehension. Professional Learning Communities remain the primary framework from which staff members work to refine and reinforce data-informed approaches and practices. Citizenship and a "Culture of Kindness" will continue to address the social and emotional needs of students and school community members.
Under Principal Clayton Moton, the faculty of Dutchman Creek Middle School is committed to ensuring that the Gator Vision, Commitment, and Lifestyle are evident in all area of the school community as they Grow and Develop LEADERS...One Learner at a Time!