Dillon Middle School
Report Card Narrative
Dillon Middle School serves approximately 620 students in grades sixth through eighth. Our school is committed to helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a meaningful, innovative educational experience, while requiring a respectful and safe atmosphere, so that as productive members of society learners may achieve their maximum potential. Dillon Middle School continues to focus on literacy and academic achievement across all subject areas. Providing students with iReady daily is one avenue to academic success. Balanced Literacy method of instruction is continuing to be implemented in all English Language Arts and social studies classes. Science and mathematics classes continue to use instructional best practices, which include hands-on manipulatives and experiments. Dillon Middle School continues to excel in Algebra I with a 97% pass rate. Through academics, fine arts, and athletics, our students are offered opportunities for everyone to excel and to prepare them for the next level with 21st Century skills.
Dillon Middle School faculty, staff, and administration were involved in numerous professional development opportunities during the 2023-2024 school year. Standards workshops, team-teaching workshops, and multitiered system of support trainings were offered throughout the year. Weekly professional learning communities centered on math and reading professional development, technology trainings, etc., while data meetings focused on knowing where each child is academically, what growth is expected, how to meet target growth, and where our students needed to be by the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
Parents and community partnerships are an integral part of our school environment. Creating these partnerships, especially around academics, are essential for helping students achieve at their maximum potential. Effective communication between families and schools is essential for students' success. Research has proven that the more families and schools share relevant information with each other about a student, the better equipped both will be to help that student achieve academically. Dillon Middle School has an open-door policy for parents and encourages all parents to be involved in their child’s education.
Opportunities for communication at Dillon Middle School include:
- Parent conferences
- Parent Nights
- Open House
- School Improvement Council
- Parent Portal
- Phone calls
- E-mail
- School website
The faculty and staff at Dillon Middle School are committed to educating our students and making sure that each child is on the path to being college and career-ready as outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
Rodney Cook, Principal
Candace Bohachic, SIC Chairperson