Carolina Voyager Charter School (CVCS) will successfully launch young explorers in kindergarten through grade 8 for success in high school utilizing evidence-based instructional strategies, rigorous curriculum, high expectations, and tiered intervention systems designed to ensure success for all learners. The school will implement STEAM driven instruction that focuses on providing innovative learning experiences through creative and flexible methods with the goal of closing achievement gaps. Empowered teacher leaders are provided the autonomy to implement data driven instruction through ongoing professional development, parent engagement, and a focus on supporting student’s social and emotional needs.
The vision of the school is aligned with the purpose of the SC Charter School Act to “create new, innovative, and more flexible ways of educating children within the public school system, with the goal of closing achievement gaps between low performing student groups and high performing student groups.” The key features of our program that will help accomplish our mission include the integration of STEAM learning, the implementation of evidenced based teaching strategies, and an emphasis on social and emotional development of diverse learners.
Our curricular programs are cohesive and aligned to maximize student instruction and success.
Unique features of our school will be the prioritizing of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and STEAM curricular focus. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning has found that schools that create socially and emotionally sound learning and working environments and that help students and staff develop greater social and emotional competence, in turn help ensure positive short- and long-term academic and personal outcomes for students, and higher levels of teaching and work satisfaction for staff. SEL promotes young people’s academic success, health, and well-being at the same time that it prevents a variety of problems such as alcohol and drug use, violence, truancy, and bullying. The school will partner with regional and national experts in developing the culture of the school and use these recommendations to further the professional development of staff.
In maintaining our commitment to high expectations and success for our students, the academic and social-emotional needs of the students drive all decisions at CVCS. Curriculum and educational programs are cohesive and aligned to maximize student instruction and success.
Educational programs are offered to students scoring above and below grade level to meet their individual needs, with tiered interventions and supports that offer both remediation and enrichment tailored to the individual student. The school also offers courses that allow students to receive high school credit, such as Computer Science, Spanish 1, English 1, and Algebra I.
As a school, our goals are as follows:
Goal number one:
The percentage of students in grades 3rd-8th grade scoring meets or exceeds on the SC Ready ELA Assessment will increase from 59.5% in 2023 to at least 75% by 2033.
Goal Number Two:
The percentage of students in grades 3rd-8th grade scoring meets or exceeds on the SC Ready Mathematics Assessment will increase from 37.9% in 2023 to at least 70% by 2033.
Goal Number Three:
CVCS will increase the percentage of minority students (African American, Hispanic, Asian, Other) in grades 3rd-8th who score meets or exceeds on the SC Ready Mathematics Assessment from 22.2% in 2023 to at least 65% by 2033.
Goal Number Four:
75% of all students in 1st – 8th grades will meet or exceed their Fall-to-Spring Growth Goals on the math portion of the NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment by August 2033. (Initial data from 2022-2023 school year – students in 1st– 8th grades meeting the math growth target was 51.4%.)
Goal Number Five:
75% of all students in 1st – 8th grades will meet or exceed their Fall-to-Spring Growth Goals on the reading portion of the NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment by August 2033. (Initial data from 2022-2023 school year – students in 1st– 8th grades meeting the reading growth target was 48.9%.)
School Principal
John Kabel