Baptist Hill Middle High School provides opportunities for all students to develop the world class skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate which empowers each graduate to contribute and compete in a global, innovative economy. Our school supports students’ awareness of 21st century transformation and the importance of their ability to compete in a global society by offering programs and opportunities that foster critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, media and technology, and life and career skills.
As a community school, Baptist Hill offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes English language arts, world languages, fine arts, math, science, economics, and social sciences. Our Career Technical Education (CTE) program contains 14 different pathways, which includes barbering, Project Lead The Way (PLTW), biomedical science, graphic design, robotics, construction, business information management, and welding. These programs allow all students to gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed after high school. All students have access to technology and wireless access in the classroom through one-to-one Chromebook computers. Our ongoing professional development by our in-house instructional coaches and outside professional consultants guides our teachers in the proper use of technology in the classroom to build information and media technology skills. Students are challenged to develop critical thinking skills through the academic offerings in Dual Enrollment courses with Trident Technical College, Advanced Placement, AVID, and differentiated instructional practices.
Fourteen 8th-grade students received high school credit for Honors Algebra 1. Fifteen 8th-grade students received high school credit for Honors English 1. Nineteen students earned a “C” or above in college-level courses while twenty-eight students successfully completed Dual Enrollment courses. Three students earned their associate degree from Trident Technical College. Students also developed key workplace skills such as adaptability, productivity, leadership and responsibility through a variety of Career and Technology Education Pathways. Thirty-two Baptist Hill students qualified as CTE Completers in one or more Career Clusters: Digital Art and Design, Barbering, Business Information Management, Biomedical Services, Health Science, and Plumbing. Stop the Bleed was added during the 23-24 school year. Fifty-two students completed and became certified in Stop the Bleed. One student received National Construction Certification Education and Research (NCCER).
Baptist Hill offers career specialized training in Master Hair Care, Digital Art and Design, Business Information Management, Building Construction, and Biomedical Science. Our school-based enterprise is used to train students in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and social skills needed in the workplace. Through our school-based enterprise, we are able to offer products and services to students and staff, while partnering with local businesses to design logos and print advertisements. In the area of technology, our middle school students participate in Gateway to Technology, a Project Lead The Way Program designed to engage middle school students in computer science, coding, and robotics. Of our graduating class of 2024, fourteen credentials were earned in Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.
Our Fine Arts Department offers a course of study in studio art, band, and chorus. Students who engage in studio art collaborate and create original pieces which provide cross-cultural experiences. Our students typically compete in local competitions such as the James Island County Park Christmas Card Decorating Contest, the Coastal Carolina Fair Art Show, a band festival held in Daniel Island, and the Spoleto Festival. Additional academic competitions included the Middle School participation in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
In order to ensure students develop content knowledge, thinking skills and receive social and emotional support necessary to be effective, productive citizens, teachers receive ongoing professional development and extended practices in engaging and motivating students, effective social emotional learning strategies, AVID strategies, and how to incorporate the latest technology into best teaching practices. Teachers also receive instruction and support from instructional coaches, outside agencies, and district personnel in order that they are able to continuously move students toward grade level proficiency in reading, writing, and math. Teachers routinely analyze classroom, district, and state level data in order to ensure instruction is tailored to students’ needs and is rigorous and high quality. This job-embedded, on-going professional development ensures teachers are equipped to develop students’ skills and knowledge they need in order to succeed in work and life. Each year as a school team, we move closer to realizing the vision of being a comprehensive, high performing community school that nurtures students, supports educators, and serves the community.
Jason Drayton, Principal
Pamela Mungin, SIC Chair