Gaffney High School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills exemplified in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by preparing learners for success beyond high school graduation. Gaffney High School represents excellence in academics, athletics, and the arts. Students at GHS are prepared to be successful beyond high school graduation through the 21st Century Learning Skills embedded in instruction and learning experiences in all content areas. Gaffney High is promoting World Class Skills by thinking outside the box. Teachers are using innovative instruction, common assessments and project-based learning to ensure all students at GHS received the knowledge and skills necessary to think critically and creatively to solve real-world problems.
The success of our students and staff is evident by local, state, and national recognition in academics, athletics, and the arts. Gaffney High School graduated nearly 400 seniors who earned over 15 million dollars in scholarship money. Our seniors averaged 1008 on the SAT and the average PSAT for 11th graders was 1133. Students earned a total of 1286 credentials through the WIN Assessment.
The pride and tradition associated with Gaffney High School enabled us to be champions at everything we did in 2023-2024. The band and chorus received numerous group and individual awards. The Drama department performed several plays. Our athletic teams continued to compete at a high level. Athletic achievement included team and individual success in the playoffs as well as earning region championships and state championships. Several Gaffney High School student-athletes earned scholarships to compete at the collegiate level. Staff members at Gaffney High School received awards and presented at local, state, and national conferences. The robotics team at GHS allowed students to utilize STEM-related education in a fun, student-centered environment. The Air Force JROTC received the Distinguished Unit Award for the 20th consecutive year. Gaffney High also implemented a chapter of the Hope Squad this year, focusing on the mental health needs of our students. All seniors participated in a soft-skills and employability workshop that involved business partners from the community. All seniors also participated in college application day. Students at Gaffney High School were recognized for their academic achievement at an academic pep rally, academic banquet, academic spirit week, and academic signing day. As the faculty and staff continue efforts to build a college-going culture at Gaffney High, I am confident our students will be prepared to succeed in the 21st Century.
Dr. Eric Blanton, Principal
Heather White, SIC Chair