Our school, Manchester Elementary School, strives daily to help all students successfully develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a safe, caring, and academically challenging learning environment. We provide such an environment through the implementation of our school vision: Manchester Elementary develops and cultivates competitive students who embrace diversity, act responsibly, and contribute positively to society. Our mission is to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s challenges. Through a variety of activities and programs, we focused on the needs of every student and our theme, We’ve Got “AVID”-Tude.
We demonstrate a commitment to our mission by implementing Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) for our students. Our focus on critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity highlights our dedication to high standards and achievement. The Ben Carson Reading Room continues to strengthen our reading program for every student by promoting the love of reading. Additionally, our Parent Teacher Association supports our reading program with the Little Free Library for all community members to enjoy.
Our one-to-one technology and wireless networking enable students to implement 21st-century skills that provide academic and social-emotional experiences that propel them to use world-class skills to connect and empower their peers. Each day, the Panther Morning Show engages all students by promoting and encouraging student creativity and collaboration. The show’s format also facilitates communication, critical thinking, information, media and technology, as well as problem-solving, emphasizing schoolwide unity.
Eight of our team members attended the AVID Summer Institute in June 2024 to engage in purposeful and intentional professional development on the implementation and refinement of AVID’s four Schoolwide Domains. Attendance at the training strengthened our commitment to providing our students with opportunities to become better readers and writers, as well as, use critical thinking and collaboration in the classroom. In addition, our teachers participated in ongoing professional learning related to best practices for instruction, student engagement, assessment, and social-emotional learning to develop and implement lessons that foster critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration.
To support creativity in our school, we offered student leadership opportunities and a variety of after-school programs to promote the Profile of a South Carolina Graduate among our students. Our Student Council was composed of students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade. They led our school in the Veteran’s Day Celebration and the Sock Drive for our local community shelter. Our after-school chorus, technology club, art club, and step team focused on teamwork, character-building, cooperation, and fun. Our chorus students presented many concerts for the student body and Parent Teacher Association. Our student artwork was displayed in our school’s Arts Showcase (Fall and Spring), the State Fair, and the Iris Festival. The technology club helped with the production of our Panther Morning Show broadcasts and our step team performed at our annual Black History Program. Additionally, our students learn civic pride and leadership skills through service learning projects such as the American Cancer Society-Relay for Life, The American Heart Walk, and The United Ministries Ramen Noodle Drive.
Our success is attributed to our dedicated staff, who work diligently to provide students with academic and social opportunities that will empower our young learners to reach their full potential. Our School Improvement Council, Parent Teacher Association, community businesses, and faith-based partners continue to work closely to provide resources and activities to empower our students, teachers, and families. Manchester is a proud school of excellence, and we will continue growing and learning. We will achieve our goals by analyzing our data, focusing on our students' social-emotional needs, and developing students to master the standards and exemplary models of the Profile of a South Carolina Graduate.
Mr. Brandon Wells, Principal
Mrs.Shirley Massey, School Improvement Chairperson