Dear Parents and Guardians,
Pocalla Springs Elementary School takes pride in serving “Every Child, Every Day.” Pocalla’s staff continued to focus on helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. We are continuing to fulfill the mission of educating every child, every day in an engaging and equitable learning environment! We are thrilled about our mascot, Corey the Croc!
One-to-one technology enabled our staff and students to implement 21st Century skills, where students were encouraged to exercise creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Technology also proved to be pertinent in supporting professional development for staff, communicating with families, and keeping Pocalla’s community informed of school goals and accomplishments. We will continue our STREAM program which incorporates the reading component with technology.
This year, the goals of our school centered around literacy. Professional development opportunities were provided in Balanced Literacy, Literacy Lady, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Readers/Writers Workshops, and technology-based learning. Our instructional and reading coaches facilitated activities to improve reading and writing instruction, and to create a literacy-based environment for all students. The Accelerated Reader program will be implemented to motivate students to read, and two book vending machines are being utilized for students to receive books as incentives for reading. We incorporate AVID evidence- based strategies to enhance our instructional day.
We are excited about the accomplishments that have occurred this year. Every other month, the school provided Title I Parent workshops. Student and staff celebrations were held quarterly. Teachers engaged in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) weekly. The Braves and BraveHearts Mentoring programs will continue its third year as a way of empowering our 4th and 5th grade students. Community volunteers helped serve as mentors to strengthen this program. The PSES Steppers represented Pocalla in several competitions. Students were also involved in monthly clubs, facilitated the Pocalla Morning Show and served as Safety Patrols.
Pocalla continues to aim for success as a school where all stakeholders actively participate in the education of students. Our business partners, EnerSys and Alice Drive Baptist Church- Pocalla Campus are always willing to provide support and resources to our school. Eaton Corporation and New Bethel Church were community partners that were instrumental in supporting Pocalla Springs. The Pocalla Family prides itself on our philanthropic efforts and contributions to the community. Contributions include donations to the American Cancer Society, Relay for Life, American Heart Association, United Way and Nursing Homes in the community.
As we continue in our mission of “Every Child, Every Day,” our goal is to embrace the collaborative efforts of every child, staff member, parent, and community member in educating our future leaders.
We are Pocalla Proud and Pocalla Crocs Rock!
Desire Webb, Chairperson School Improvement Council
Michelle Curry-McBride, Principal