Our school is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the Graduate by providing rigorous language and math instruction based on our state’s College and Career Ready academic standards. Reading and Math are gateways to success; therefore, we focus on student achievement and engagement in ELA and Math to increase fluency and develop literacy skills by increasing time for independent reading and differentiating instruction to teach reading and math. Our intense focus on ELA and Math has led to significant increases in students scoring Meets and Exceeds on SC Ready. In ELA, 3rd grade increased 9% and 5th grade increased 5%. In Math, 3rd grade increased 12%, 4th grade increased 4%, and 5th grade increased 9%. Overall, we had a 10% increase of students scoring Meets and Exceeds in Math. Additionally, students are exposed to a variety of integrated social sciences, technology, engineering, and arts concepts. Trained interventionists collaborate with teachers to provide reading intervention and math support for students. Students participating in the extended day and summer enrichment programs receive further academic enrichment and support. Students and teachers take ownership of learning and teaching using various Continuous Improvement strategies.
Technology is used to help students develop world-class skills. Chromebooks provided by our district for all students enable students to communicate and express their creativity and innovation through use of applications such as Clever, Dreambox, Google Classroom, Do The Math, iReady Learning Pathways, Prodigy, GoNoodle, ReadWorks, and Active Inspire. Instruction is designed to inspire the development and sharpening of critical thinking, collaborative, and problem solving abilities.
Students display life and career characteristics and increase their global perspective by helping others in the community. Collection activities and fundraising for organizations such as Angel Tree, Relay for Life - American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and D6 Food Pantry help students learn how their efforts benefit others locally and globally.
Our guidance program and district’s bullying prevention initiatives help students develop integrity, perseverance, and intrapersonal life characteristics. A focus on career exploration exposes students to information and opportunities necessary to develop plans for successful career endeavors. We nurture the development of positive life characteristics by helping students develop pride in their work, school, community, and in themselves. We embrace cultural diversity, recognize and respect individual differences of others.
Lone Oak’s outstanding staff, students, parents and district administration work very hard to establish and maintain a positive learning environment that supports, encourages and celebrates student achievement and promotes college and career readiness. By working together, we cultivate the skills necessary to fulfill our shared school vision of Continuous Improvement and “Roar with Success and Pride” in a world-class society.
Mr. Keith D. Burton, Principal
Mrs. Darlene Matthews, SIC Chairperson