This year, Mayo Elementary embraced the theme "Rise to the Challenge" as we committed to helping all students develop the World Class Skills outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Our faculty, staff, and administration have tirelessly worked to create a safe and enriched learning environment, preparing our students to be college and career ready.
At MES, we maintain a focused instructional program by creating an environment of collaboration. Teachers receive continuous, targeted, professional development at the school and district level which assists them in implementing effective instructional strategies to challenge students. Teachers also collaborate weekly during Teacher Leader Team (TLT) meetings, department planning with math and literacy coaches, and individual planning to create instruction that is relevant and grounded in best practices. Our 2023-24 iReady spring data proves that this collaboration has been successful. Students in both areas of reading and math showed strong gains between the fall and spring administrations of iReady as well as an increase in achievement compared to previous years of data. In 23-24, 77% of our 5K-5th grade students scored on-grade level in reading compared to 69% the previous school year (22-23), and 53% the year prior to that (21-22). In math, 72% of our 5K-5th grade students scored on-grade level in 23-24, compared to 68% in the previous school year (22-23) and 62% the year prior to that (21-22).
The family-oriented culture of MES strives to provide a challenging, safe, and loving environment where students can be their very best. MES staff members continue their implementation of tools and best practices learned through training provided by the SC Resilient Schools Initiative (formerly Compassionate Schools) which focuses on fostering resilience in children. We continued to provide weekend food bags for students in need. We also continued our partnership with the Kids Club of the Upstate (formerly Boys and Girls Club of the Upstate), providing students with a safe place to learn and grow after school. MES offers many engaging activities that promote student success and instill positive values in our students. These initiatives include Terrific Kids, PBIS skills and celebrations, Falcon Patrol, Gifted Art, MES Singers, Hope Squad, Falcon Philanthropy, and a multitude of other opportunities and recognitions for our students during the school year.
To increase student readiness and to develop world-class skills, the staff of MES continually emphasizes authentic learning opportunities for students. Our students become critical thinkers and problem solvers through STEAM activities, guided reading, guided math, Math SuperStars, and classroom projects that allow collaboration among peers to enhance and challenge their thinking. Technology is an important part of our student's academic success. We have one-to-one access with iPads for all students in 4K through fifth grade. Our students work daily in iReady, Reading Eggs, Math Seeds, and First in Math during guided math and guided reading stations. Enrichment opportunities are also offered before, during, and after school to meet the needs of our diverse learners. Students participating in the Morning Math Club, led by our math coach, work on individual learning paths. We also offer extra instruction in reading and math through our Soaring Stars after-school tutorial program. Other strategies utilized to ensure our students’ success include Read to Succeed, Leveled Literacy Instruction, Response to Intervention, and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
Clear and consistent communication among all stakeholders is vitally important to a positive, vibrant sense of community that we strive to build at MES. We provide a majority of our information through our family-based school newsletter (The Falcon Flyer), weekly updates sent to families, teacher and school web pages, and social media outlets including Facebook and Instagram are routinely updated to keep all stakeholders well informed of events and happenings at the school. The use of the SeeSaw app, a communication and student-driven digital portfolio, allows for a deeper connection between home and school and gives parents the opportunity to see exactly what their students are working on during the instructional day.
At Mayo Elementary, we believe that the educational success of our students is the result of a strong collaboration between school, family, and community. We are grateful for the support of all our stakeholders as we strive to provide the very best learning environment available for our students so that they can become tomorrow’s leaders.
Mrs. Brittany Green, Principal
Mrs. Crystal Barrs, SIC Chair