Red Bank Elementary School continues to help all students develop the World-Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by empowering them with the skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. The learning environment at RBES provides quality instruction in reading, writing, and math through a workshop model. RBES has a diverse group of highly qualified staff who work diligently to meet the needs of our student population. We strive to meet every child at his or her academic level.
The South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards are explicitly translated and unpacked for the students so that they become adept at goal-setting to become proficient in their learning. We advocate for transparency of the learning expectations for our students and support the use of innovation and technology. By increasing transparency, communication and relationships are strengthened, and all stakeholders feel as though they are an integral part of the learning community.
As faculty and staff, we work to meet students exactly where they are in their learning through the use of formative student data. Teachers and teaching interventionists work together to track student progress, with the support of instructional coaches, to provide appropriate instructional strategies that promote student growth. Reflection is an integral component of the learning process at RBES. As a result, students can set goals surrounding what should be learned next, to identify strategies they will use to work toward the goals and to track the strategies that lead to success.
Student engagement is supported through the implementation of daily morning meetings, student voice and choice, and personal goal-setting. Additionally, our teachers work to establish a classroom culture where students develop a sense of belonging and maintain a classroom climate where positive relationships thrive to promote student achievement.
Feedback-Driven Progress Reporting (standards-based) has allowed RBES to provide authentic feedback in meaningful ways. Our school emphasizes equity for all students. Because our students come from a variety of diverse backgrounds and experiences, we recognize the importance of ensuring that all students are learning at high levels.
Lexington County School District One has created a Graduate Profile that outlines the specific skills, dispositions, and abilities students should develop as they move through school. The Lexington One Graduate Profile serves as a north star in guiding curriculum development, instruction, and student development. Through the Graduate Profile competencies, our students will learn the characteristics that will support them now and throughout their lives. Further, our students are encouraged to apply for leadership roles in their classrooms and throughout the entire school each year.
RBES continues to benefit from the support of business partners and our local faith community. Relationships and community are an important part of our school culture. We were fortunate enough to receive several grants this school year, including a Michelin Golden Apple Teacher Grant, the Helping Hands Grant, a RADIUS Church Financial Education Award, and Unified Games funding. We were named a Special Olympics Unified Champion School in 2019 and presented our renewal banner in the spring of 2023.
As a Title I school, we used school data to determine where our funding would have the greatest impact on student learning. A variety of professional learning has been funded for continued teacher growth to impact classroom instruction. Funds are also allocated to provide additional salaries for interventionists to support our high-needs population.
The inclusive culture at RBES demonstrates a sense of collaboration and respect for all. Our students continually strive to be their best selves and help others to do the same. At RBES, our schoolwide Code of Cooperation reads: “We encourage each other. We learn every day. We never give up. We are strong leaders. We are Red Bank.”
Our successes, perseverance, teamwork and collaboration are what we value most at RBES. As always, we will continue to strive to lead, learn, love, and pass it on at RBES. This schoolwide motto also supports our district’s mission of “To guide all students to learn, grow and excel.“
Janet B. Ricard, Principal
Jordan Walker-Reyes, SIC Chair