Lake View Elementary School has approximately 385 students in grades 4K through 5th who all have gifts and talents to be nurtured, cultivated, and developed. Mrs. Tamara Nance-Bethea is the current principal. With a focus on rigor, relevance, and relationships, Lake View Elementary School will continue its commitment to enhance and improve the academic performance of every student. Lake View Elementary also strives to build positive relationships that support the A Positive System. (Positive Attitude, Positive Attendance, Positive Academics, and Positive Activities). The mission of Lake View Elementary School is to academically prepare all learners to be creative, collaborative problem solvers by integrating rigorous standards in an optimal learning environment. It is the #1 Goal to give every student the necessary tools that will promote, encourage, and support student academic and social growth. WWG, Wee Wild Gators will continue to Work While Growing!
Lake View Elementary School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by teaching the South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. These standards transform instruction in the classroom and include inquiry-based learning opportunities across all content areas. Teachers are facilitating learning by providing opportunities for students to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills while working collaboratively with their peers in small groups. Students are encouraged to use creative and innovative ideas to interact with the content being taught, to construct knowledge about the world, and to apply their knowledge to real world tasks. Problem Based Learning is also incorporated in instruction. Through this initiative, students are engaged in real world problem solving, using hands on learning activities, and critical thinking activities to become future world class leaders.
We have implemented the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program school wide. The program is designed to promote good behavior and focus on correctly following school and classroom expectations. Students were rewarded throughout the year for good behavior by earning monthly parties. The monthly parties included popcorn, freeze pops, or pizza. Also, students were recognized each nine weeks for academic performance. Since the implementation of PBIS, student behavior, student achievement, and the overall climate and culture have improved.
At Lake View Elementary, character education is woven throughout every part of our school day. Every morning begins with a positive character message led by students from the WWG Morning New. This is followed by classroom community meetings while the students and classroom teacher eat breakfast together. Throughout the day, teachers foster integrity, respect, perseverance, good citizenship, and a strong work ethic in their classroom activities and lessons. The guidance department presents WWG Words of the Month through the Core Essential Curriculum. This includes a character trait that students should exhibit. Students are rewarded for demonstrating good life skills through the use of the Terrific Kids Program sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Dillon.
Lake View Elementary School has a strong PTO who works diligently with the school, community, and community organizations. The school improvement council meets quarterly to meet the needs of the school. The academic progress of students, teacher needs, parental support, and community impact are discussed. We expect 100% parent participation in parent workshops, parent-teacher conference, and any other activities to be held at the school. Lake View Elementary is excited about their progress thus far. The home, school, and community relationship has carried them to success before and will again. The vision of Lake View Elementary School is to develop world class South Carolina graduates that are college and career ready in order to be lifelong, active contributors to society.