Blacksburg Elementary School is committed to preparing students wilth College and Career Readiness skills through a school-wide AVID program, and providing students with a learning environment that meets their unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. The staff of BES is committed to the belief that all students can experience success, and we strive for this in the areas of academics, citizenship, service, and the arts. BES offers opportunities to students through classroom instructional time along with enrichment activities that include National Junior Beta Club, Student Council, SEL/Character Education, a Lego Robotics Team, the SC School Gardening Grant, and the Kids Club afterschool program.
To ensure that we remain current as educators, staff members participate in various learning opportunities throughout the year to help better prepare them for the ever-changing needs of their students. A staff focus on state standards, differentiation, student engagement, data analysis, and AVID strategies occurred throughout the year. The Profile of the South Carolina Graduate guides us in our endeavors to cultivate students that can be successful. Technology has played a vital role in the ability to differentiate instruction, support collaboration and inquiry, and implement eLearning to deliver instruction remotely as needed. Teachers have remained current on technology use through staff development opportunities provided by a district technology instructor. All of our teachers are highly qualified with current South Carolina certification.
Our theme for the upcoming school year will be "The World is our Classroom" . Our goal this year was to increase student engagement and organization. This summer, staff members will participate in AVID training. BES students have participated in Community Service Learning projects that help others as they have gathered items and monies that are donated to Iron City Ministries, Cherokee County Humane Society, and the summer feeding program. Our new theme, combined with an AVID focus and community service, will enable our students to expand their knowledge and experiences.
We will vary our parent opportunities for involvement in hopes to reach more students' families. We will host parent workshops in the future as part of a family engagement grant we recently received. BES strongly encourages all parents to join and participate not only in school-sponsored activities but in giving feedback in school decision-making to ensure that we have active lines of communication between home and school. Our staff development this year will be focused on building and improving professional learning communities, student engagement, and family engagement. We will continue to look at ways to offer enrichment activities for students during and after school hours that reach the whole child and encourage a deepened interest in being a life-long learner.
Julie Foster, Principal