Corinth Elementary School is a student-focused pre-kindergarten through grade five public elementary school, where learning comes alive. It is a school where the principal, teachers, parents, and students learn side by side. The students know that the school is an extension of their home, a place where adults care about what happens in their lives. Students feel safe at school and enjoy building social relationships and developing their individual and group social skills.
The Cherokee County School District aligns instructional practices with high academic standards. Students are encouraged to work above and beyond what is comfortable and stretch to meet the standards. Our highly qualified professional teaching staff uses effective teaching strategies to address our students’ learning needs. The students of Corinth Elementary School can learn through a variety of modalities. Teachers also ensure that all students are learning and meeting their individualized learning goals.
Our faculty members are committed to the constant improvement of their instructional skills and the acquisition of new strategies supported by an intensive plan of professional development, self-reflection, and collaboration. Our instructional models include the balanced literacy instructional framework, teacher-directed learning, student-led learning, cooperative learning activities, independent learning activities, reading and writing across the curriculum, incorporating the preferred learning styles and modalities of all of the students and including differentiated instruction, tiered activities in all lessons, and assessment opportunities for all students. Data collection and analysis are vital to support academic progress in specific skills across all subject areas.
Our priorities also include promoting self-esteem and good character. Children learn positive character traits through a shared district vision and curriculum in which behaviors demonstrating respect, responsibility, kindness, and effort are valued and rewarded. Our teachers and students also participate in a variety of PBIS activities throughout the school year.
As technology becomes increasingly important globally, it continues to be a priority at Corinth Elementary School. Our professional dialogues include the topic of technology infusion in the elementary classroom. The use of laptops, iPads and Clear Touch Panels are frequently incorporated into classroom lessons to enhance instruction.
The community is very involved in Corinth Elementary School through several programs that enrich the students’ educational experiences, such as the weekly Good News Club and Back Pack Club, which provides canned food for families in need of this service. The children truly benefit from the dedicated effort of the parents and school staff. We are truly a community of learners that is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.