At Deer Park Middle School we provide a safe, respectful and nurturing environment and a rigorous academic program that meets the needs of each and every student. As we move into our third year our school will continue to focus on creating a climate and culture of excellence upon which future generations can build. We use the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) principles which are based on positive psychology and has created the foundation needed to build this school of excellence. Our PBIS program is centered on our PRIDE Matrix that consists of: Personal Responsibility, Respect, Individual Readiness, Demonstrated Learning and the Twelve Effective Behaviors that are essential to building the Life and Career Characteristics. World Class Skills are developed through the use of teamwork and problem-based learning. We support students in developing these skills by teaching numerous strategies and classrooms that are equipped with adaptable furniture that is designed to be maneuvered to encourage collaborative grouping. Pre-AP strategies and document based questions are used to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Blended learning programs such as Math Facts, Think through Math and Achieve 3000 are used to strengthen math and reading skills. In an effort to increase rigor in the instructional classroom, several of our teachers have completed and are now endorsed in gifted and talented education. We are building capacity in our teachers by providing them with rigorous strategies and professional development in areas like Productive Talk and Authentic Literacy that helps build reading, writing and speaking skills so necessary for our students to be successful with the South Carolina College and Career Ready standards.
In an effort to provide additional opportunities to engage our students, several of our wonderful teachers have volunteered to coach extracurricular activities such as robotics, basketball, cheerleading, and Girls on the Run. We are looking forward to expanding our extracurricular offerings next year to include soccer, volleyball, tumbling, and track.
Finally, we believe that it takes a village to raise a child so we encourage our parents and community members to join us as we build our future leaders.
Celeste Spires, Principal
Kathy Roberson, SIC Chair