HCS Early College High School is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a personalized education to maximize student potential for becoming socially responsible, productive citizens.
We are so proud of the accomplishments we made during the 2018-2019 school year. We work so hard to ensure that all of us have a commitment to make to ensure we are “Being the Best We Can Be!” We provide rigorous curriculum and have high expectations for self and students; create a culture where students are excited about learning; and prepare students to be productive citizens who serve their communities. We exist to encourage student groups who are underrepresented in post-secondary education. Our theme for the 2018-2019 school year, was R1(Relationships) = A3(Academics, Advisory, and AVID). James Comer said, “No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship.” Our focus continues to be on developing relationships with the faculty, staff, students, parents, and business partners.
Our teachers are always seeking to learn new and effective strategies to use in the classroom such as: The AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program which brings best practices and proven methodologies to students in high school. AVID’s goal is to prepare all students in a school for college, starting with the core elective class and expanding school wide. The AVID Elective class targets students in the academic middle, who have the desire to go to college and are capable of completing rigorous curriculum using the will to work hard. This year our teachers integrated the Blended Learning, Personalized Learning Devices, along with District Supported Digital Content and made wonderful things happen in the classroom.
The HCS Early College has continued to exceed performance goals. In addition to state end-of-course scores exceeding state and district averages, our juniors averaged 18.71 on the newly implemented state ACT. Our graduating seniors earned an average of 50 hours of college credit. The 2018 graduating class had an average college GPA of 2.75 and an average high school GPA of 3.664. 81 out of 91 seniors received scholarship monies to continue their education. The 2019 graduating class has 3 students who have enlisted to serve our country and were recognized with the SC red, white, and blue Military cords. 41 students graduated with honors and the class of 2019 had a 99% graduation rate. 100% of the students’ parents sign an agreement of support for their students, participating in conferences and support team meetings, and social and support services are provided to families. One hundred percent of the students participate in the AVID program. Our teachers work with every student to develop 9-14 college and career goals and monitor student progress.
Additionally, ECHS students far surpassed Early College students nationally, with 100% earning college credits, 90% earning more than one year of college credit, and 56% earning an associate’s degree or two years of college credit in addition to earning their high school diplomas. Horry County Schools monitors the program success through annual performance goals to include student performance on state end-of-course tests, the college placement testing ACCUPLACER, and college and high school course grades. In addition, survey data from parents, students, and teachers are reviewed regarding school climate and school/community relationships. We are proud of our strong history of academic success.
At ECHS we also have various programs outside the academic world to focus on the development of the whole student into adulthood. Teachers have developed a comprehensive program of service learning/community service. Our students gave back to the community through service projects which included The Relay for Life, Polar Plunge, River/Beach Sweep, Special Olympics Games, and County-wide Clean Ups. We also won numerous awards in all categories at the Regional National History Day and had several who advanced to the state NHD level. The Recycling Committee continued its campaign to encourage responsible citizenship in preserving our environment. Our Teacher of the Year, Ms. Jenny Leckey, represented us all year in Columbia.
At HCS Early College High School we believe the school, family, and community must share the educational responsibility of our young. Thank you for all of your support in helping in the development of our future South Carolina graduates and world leaders!
Mr. Campbell, Chair of the School Improvement Council
Ms. Fleming, HCS Early College High School Principal