As a graduate of the first class of Calhoun County High School (1983), I have great pride in our institution and its success, and our School Improvement Council is extremely supportive of the efforts to produce an excellent school. Students focus in their futures and commit to a standard of excellence that surpasses other schools like ours. CCHS is a place where every student and most families are known by name. The Calhoun County High School family is focused on the development of students possessing World Class Skills identified in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate, and in developing productive citizens. Students are improving collaboration and communication skills on a daily basis.
Teachers are trained and use one-to-one technology to provide and encourage project based learning opportunities. Students work together to solve problems and communicate solutions in creative ways. Teamwork also plays an integral role in the Calhoun County High School preparation process. Students work in academic and extracurricular teams to improve collaboration and communication skills. While we are a small high school, many partnerships and efforts are available to support student growth and development. There is a partnership with Orangeburg Consolidated School District Five Technology Center to enhance career preparation for students. Formal agreements with Orangeburg Calhoun Technical College (O-C Tech) provide students opportunities to earn college transfer credits, career path dual enrollment credits, and Project Lead the Way dual credits. In 2018, the high school launched its first paid apprenticeship student through O-C Tech and Husqvarna in Orangeburg, South Carolina. The number of completers in the Career and Technology Education (CATE) programs at Calhoun County High School has grown significantly. Completers are recognized at a formal ceremony for completers in May of each year. We recognized 20 CATE completers on May 2019.
Calhoun County develops a World-class student by teaching skills which lead to life-long success. The school makes every effort to assist all students in graduating on-time, and has maintained a graduation rate of 90%, which is above the state and national average. All students and parents collaborate with school leaders to complete an Individualized Graduation Plan. Students design e-portfolios supporting the completion of resumes and letters of recommendation for future endeavors. Classroom instruction addresses financial literacy, leadership development, engineering concepts, and soft skills. We had students students competing in DECA state competitions. A student council member was elected as 2nd vice president.
The teachers and staff at Calhoun County High School believe in teamwork and support a family environment. Our students are unique and we celebrate the individual success of each one.
Barry Charley, Principal
Angela Brown, School Improvement Chairman