Kenneth Gardner Elementary School (KGES) as a part of the Williamsburg County School District is committed to developing leaders one child at a time. KGES is known for its commitment to helping all students experience success. The school is a Leader in Me Lighthouse school and endeavors to create an atmosphere in which its student leaders are given roles in which students develop world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. The 2018-19 school year proved to be a smooth one, but with its own challenges. KGES through its school-wide theme of “Lights! Camera! Lead!” showcased students being active participants in their day to day learning even through showcase performances such as the Oratorical Contest, Spelling Bee, Battle of the Books, Leadership Day, Learning, Experiencing, And Discovering (L.E.A.D.) Day, and M.A.P. Synergy Celebrations. In the 2018-19 school year our students continued to increase slowly in the areas of the academia through the infusion of small group instruction, gradual release of instruction, personalized instruction, and RTI infusion. cStudents were held accountable through weekly Beastly Reader Reading Logs, and such computer programs as USAtestprep, Study Island, Renaissance Learning, and Moby Max. KGES continues to maintain our status as a Franklin Covey Leader in Me Lighthouse School. Schools that attain Lighthouse status are recognized for the implementation and attainment of a well-rounded leadership model infused into the life of the school. Lighthouse Schools serve as models of leadership and exemplars to other schools. The honors and awards for our school include: The Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Grant Program, Charleston County Low Country Food Bank Grant, and the Santee Electric Co-op Bright Ideas Grant. We were able to host several Parent / Family Nights focused on areas such as literacy, leadership, STEM, and sustainability in the home that will ultimately benefit our students.
The faculty and staff worked diligently to sustain quality teaching through growth and nurtured the transformations that occurred within the school through Professional Learning Communities on varied topics that impacted the needs of our learners. A school garden was maintained through the school’s Gardening Club in collaboration with of our staff members and students adjacent to the school playground which gave students access to witness the growth and development of what was planted. Steven Covey’s 7 Habits and the Arts continue to be a major part of the environment and everyday life and culture of the school and is evident in the murals and décor throughout the school. The school has witnessed continued improvements in many areas in academic achievement, 7% decrease in student discipline referrals, and increases in levels of accountability for students and faculty and staff. Students showcased leadership and their unique talents and interests during our Annual Leadership Day in April. Leadership Day allowed dozens of local education and civic leaders, business professionals, and community members to witness the leadership talents and skills that our students possess through a Leadership Showcase, breakout sessions, and entertainment. This transformative process plan has contributed to emphasizing a culture of student leadership and engagement and has helped each child to discover his or her fullest potential. Students and teachers used advanced technology, one-to-one devices, and utilized a focused, Gradual Release of Learning in all classrooms. KGES teachers used data to study the trends in the students so they could provide appropriate integrated interventions to help improve math computational and problem-solving skill as well as reading and writing skills. The students of KGES also lead through the Fine Arts. Students were engaged in activities that supported and nurtured the Arts through dance and violin classes taught with passion by experts in those fields. Students’ hard work was prominently displayed throughout the school in a Leader in Me format. It is through the efforts of our stakeholders that we shape our students centered around principles that will enable them to be successful and productive citizens in the 21st century.
Dr. Myron E. Davis, Principal
Reverend James Lane, SIC Chair