Our school is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing challenging learning experiences in a safe and caring environment by ensuring they are exposed to the four C's..critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. Whether in academics, athletics, fine arts or community service, our students teachers, administrators, Board of Trustees and other community members work together to create a unified culture of excellence. Critical thinking and collaboration are promoted through learning experiences in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics mirror skills students need for their future careers. Student growth in literacy is supported through a balanced literacy approach which includes whole, small group and individual instruction. In addition to intervention, our school is fully implemented in Reading Recovery to serve first grade students. Cannons is an Arts in the Basic Curriculum school site where support from our district and grants from the South Carolina Department of Education, the South Carolina Arts Commission and our Parent Teacher Organization support student learning. Through research-based instructional practices, students develop skills to support the career characteristics of the South Carolina Graduate.
Our response to intervention plan guides instructional decisions to ensure we meet the needs of each student using thorough communication. A combination of assessment tools such as Measures of Academic Progress, portfolio assessment, teacher-created formative assessments and other state required literacy assessments make it possible to review each student’s strengths and build challenging, relevant and personalized instruction. Individual reading assessments guide instruction in literacy where students are served through intervention and focused instruction. Our full time reading teacher and our reading coach work to provide reading intervention, coaching and ensure full implementation of Reading Recovery.
Students use technology to create and publish research, produce performances that integrate arts and other content and to build fluency and knowledge in all subjects. Students experience art in a variety of forms allowing them to build connections to the core curriculum through innovation, problem solving, collaboration and creativity. Students showcase their learning through performances, public speaking and project displays. Students display their visual art in the school, district and community, perform as part of a chorus or drum ensemble, and during our annual spring musical production.
Our district strongly supports professional development in the areas of technology, and curriculum development for all subjects. Teachers collaborate across the district to plan high quality instruction using student performance data. Reading Recovery is fully implemented as well as early childhood teachers being trained in Early Literacy Professional Development (ELPD). A school reading coach provides strong support in literacy assessment and instruction. A district mathematics coach supports students and teachers to ensure best practices in mathematics instruction. Teachers from Cannons attend summer institutes and Arts in the Basic Curriculum networking meetings to strengthen their learning about arts integration and STEAM strategies.
The faculty, staff, students, and parents work together to maintain and enhance a positive and productive school climate in order for students to learn about and know they are valued members of their school. Students and staff donate to several charitable organizations such as The American Cancer Society, local scholarship funds, and The March of Dimes and Imagination Library. These efforts provide opportunities for students to see beyond their school and show support to the community through purposeful learning experiences. Students are recognized weekly for their growth toward becoming strong school leaders and citizens through our “Champion Leaders” program.
The School Improvement Council, PTO, parents and community continue to enhance learning at Cannons Elementary with their involvement and support. Our volunteer tutoring and mentoring program, STARS, is staffed with seventeen volunteers who serve students in second and third grades. Members of the community join us for evening events such as Open House, Family Literacy Night, STEAM Night and The Spring Arts Festival. Business partners and local churches are active members contributing volunteer hours and donations. We thank our school community for their support as we work together to support and challenge our students to reach their full potential.
Elizabeth Phillips, Principal
Julie Jones, SIC Chair