River Oaks Elementary School is helping all students develop world class skills and life and career characteristics indicative of the Profile of a State of SC graduate through the consistent examination of all practices in our school in light of how student achievement may be improved. Research-based practices indicative of high achieving elementary schools are focused through the 7Cs framework. Through our framework, we focus on Children Achieving, Curriculum and Teaching, Community, Culture, Collaboration, Character, and Common Language. At River Oaks, we are “Catching the Wave of High Academic Achievement.”
In our efforts to promote high academic achievement, our faculty and staff collaborate through a Professional Learning Community (PLC) environment to collect and analyze data through a variety of assessment tools including daily formative classroom assessments, MAP, DIBELS, CIRCLE, SC READY, SCPASS, and district benchmark tests. Through this data analysis, teachers are able to target instruction, use formative assessment, and monitor progress to meet the specific needs of each and every student. Student learning is further enhanced in a blended learning environment where teachers work directly and closely with individual students and small groups of students, while other students in the classroom learn by using technology and digital content focused on their unique learning needs. By concentrating on a growth mindset, River Oaks students are truly working harder to get smarter!
Performance and moral character traits are promoted through the implementation, modeling, and celebration of the River Oaks Character Strengths. Our students strive to live the River Oaks Character Pledge by working harder to get smarter, be kind and caring, and treat others like they would like to be treated.
As well, River Oaks believes it is important to support our local community through service learning projects. The entire school community participates in activities that support the United Way, the March of Dimes, Red Nose Day to end child poverty, Polar Plunge for the Special Olympics, the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree, the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and a canned food drive to assist our local food pantry. We fully participate in the Horry County Schools’ recycling and composting programs.
The faculty and staff at River Oaks look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts with our parents, guardians, and community members to help our students become globally-minded citizens and lifelong learners.