Our school is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the profile of the graduate by…
being a premier world class school in which every student acquires an excellent education. Palmetto Bays Elementary School is a welcoming center organized around high-quality teaching and learning. At PBE we are differentiating instruction using rigorous standards and integrating 21st century skills that our students will need to become successful in a global society. We are teaching our students how to research new information and apply it into different subject areas as well as real life opportunities. Using these world class skills of critical thinking and problem solving we are helping them learn to be independent thinkers and to be able to convey their thinking using collaboration and teamwork.
We are the home of the Awesome PBE Timberwolves, and we are very proud of the accomplishments that our students and staff members have made during the 2018-2019 school year. We are home to 91 staff members who provide support to more than 630 students. We provide education services, behavioral health services, child development classes, guidance counseling, health, food service, transportation services, and after school care. In addition to the daily activities we also provide safety patrol, SC Honors Choir members, money management club, afters chool Algebra I tutorial, archery, and summer ELL sessions. Students at Palmetto Bays benefit from the skills and experiences of an outstanding staff. On average staff members at Palmetto Bays have been teaching for 14 years, the value of this rich mixture of experience, skills, energy and interests that combines to help us meet the needs and expectations of our students, their parents and our community. In education and training, 65% of our staff members hold Masters Degrees or above, four hold National Board Certification, and all engage in staff development activities each year which demonstrates a true commitment to our students. Throughout the year our Parent-Teacher Organization and Community partners help us provide a variety of extension and enrichment activities that support our annual learning and facility goals.
We are the PBE Timberwolves!
Dawn McKinney, Principal
Jamia Richmon, SIC Chair