John W. Moore Intermediate School is a Title I school that has received Advanc-Ed STEM certification. We serve approximately 960 fifth and sixth grade students from 4 different attendance zones in the district. We are unique in that we are the only intermediate school in Florence School District One. At Moore, we work daily to assist students with developing the world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. We have established high expectations for student learning and are working diligently to provide rigorous instruction that will increase academic achievement in all areas. We are utilizing an extended day program after school to help enhance and meet the individual needs of our students. Students have support and guidance from a technology coach and STEM coach who assist with technology integration in all content areas. Students research, collaborate and create projects while practicing and learning new technology skills.
Our teachers are equipped to provide enhanced learning opportunities for our students by receiving ongoing professional development on project based learning, STEM, Design Thinking, technology and the implementation of the SC state standards. We are currently implementing Google Classroom school-wide and are now a 1:1 school with Chromebooks. Students use blended learning opportunities to collaborate and create projects through shared learning which engages them in discussions, take responsibility for their own learning and thus become critical thinkers. In addition, teachers attend monthly professional learning community meetings to share best practices and to analyze student progress. Teachers also have the opportunity to work with our STEM Coach and Literacy Coach who provide professional development, model lessons, and feedback on instructional practices. Due to the commitment and dedication of our excellent teachers, students are also provided the opportunity to be creative, innovative and to enhance their academics and leadership potential by participating in many extracurricular clubs/competitions. Students explore the world of fine arts, science, technology, engineering and mathematics by participating in the different clubs we offer: math club, academic bowl, art club, chorus, dance team, band and strings, sports club, cheer team, drama club, debate, chess, engineering club and robotics team. We also have a student morning show crew who makes daily announcements while working with video equipment and practicing writing and communication skills. We have also established a literacy lab and math lab to target those students who are consistently scoring Not Met or who are working below grade level. Data shows that 91% of students who participated in the lab grew at a minimum of one level.
At Moore, our mission is to Educate! Prepare! Inspire! We share this mission by preparing students to be successful in life. To accomplish this we focus on increasing the principles of character education and citizenship in our students. At Moore we expect our students to R.O.A.R. (Responsibility, Opportunity, Accountability and Respect) We are continuing to implement Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports. We have developed school-wide behavioral expectations for our students and acknowledge positive behavior through programs such as; student of the month, bus of the month, character coupons, ROAR points, academic awards, pep rallies, dances, and other invitations to student events. We integrated the Core Essentials Character Education Program throughout the school and taught the “Steps to Respect” anti-bullying curriculum. The S.A.V.E. club was established to educate students on the need to decrease the potential for violence in our schools and community. One of our most popular clubs is called the Lions Club. This club was designed to provide academic support, behavioral support and character building with our male population. Moore received an NNPS grant from the FMU Center of Excellence for our K.I.C.K. (Keeping It Classy Kids) program that focuses on our female population and provides the girls the opportunity to learn and demonstrate etiquette, social competence, teamwork and community service. We were recognized by NNPS as a National "School Award" three time winner for our community and family outreach programs. The Character Education Partnership also recognized us as a 2016, 2018 and 2019 Promising Practice National and International Award Winner in character education. Our students continue to participate in numerous service learning projects such as Jump Rope for Heart, Pasta for Pennies, several food drives and more. We also encourage our students to explore careers by participating in career day, veterans’ week, Black History Month and inviting guest speakers and community members to participate in school events.
Increasing parental involvement is very important to the success of our school. Parent conferences are scheduled at various times throughout the year to provide important information about the district curriculum, student progress and individual test results. Parents are invited to visit our Parent Resource Center and to volunteer in our school. In addition, parents are invited to serve on our active Title I committee, APT and SIC and NNPS Action Team. Several Title I parent workshops and special family events are held to encourage family participation. Events included; Dads in the Dugout, Maker Moms, Talent Show, Family Math Night, Family Fun Night, Expo/Techno STEM Night, and many others..
With the dedication of our teachers and support of our wonderful parents and community, we will continue to strive for excellence, so that every child will develop the world class knowledge and world class skills needed to be future world class leaders.
Carol Schweitz Stacy Foster
Principal SIC Chair