Our school is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by empowering learners to achieve their fullest potential through challenging and diverse educational opportunities in a safe, student-centered environment. We strive to prepare all students to be creative, lifelong learners who think critically, engage in collaborative exploration and communicate effectively. The faculty and staff are dedicated to improving student academic achievement and fostering positive relationships with the parents and the community. Professional learning is ongoing and focuses on best practices to increase teacher efficacy and student achievement. Faculty and staff meet weekly in professional learning communities to collaborate in areas that will assist in meeting the needs of all students. These professional learning communities have focused on areas, such as developing effective assessments, planning effective lessons, integrating technology, and implementing best practices in curriculum and instruction. Grade level teams use data from both formative and summative assessments to drive the instruction of the South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics and South Carolina State Standards for Science and Social Studies.
Character matters at BES. Barnwell Elementary School is a participant in the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and has an active Character Education program in which students learn strategies and apply attributes that helps one to become a productive member of our society. BES has two after-school programs that provide academic support and enrichment. They are as follows: The Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands Be Great Academy and the DIG STEM after-school program.
Students have participated in a myriad of events and field studies throughout the year that have enriched their learning. Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to, the following: Barrier Island field study, Fort Sumter field study, South Carolina Aquarium field study, STEM clubs, Full STEAM Ahead Night, BETA Box Learning Lab activities, quarterly awards day ceremonies, honor roll parades, character education celebrations, DARE, band and choral performances, literacy events, parent and community nights, and multi-cultural events.
We are very proud of our students at BES. We continue to work closely with our SIC and PTO, as well as the community. Barnwell Elementary School is continuously working to reach its goals and is always striving for excellence. At BES, we are "Igniting a Passion for Learning!"
Ms. Jodi Powers, SIC Chair, Dr. Carolyn Anderson, Principal