Our school is helping all students develop the world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by:
- Learning and exercising team collaboration
- Giving and receiving effective positive criticism
- Experimenting with new and inventive ways of creating learning opportunities
- Learning how to balance and manage time
- Setting and achieving goals as a team
- Learning and applying problem-solving skills
Through the art integration and STEM/STEAM our school promotes:
- Efficiency
- Self-Control
- Organization Skills
- Teamwork
- Concentration/Focus Skills
- Decorum
- Patriotism
- Writing Skills
Fine arts classes work on 21st-century skills every day. Students develop creative and innovative ideas for presenting information and projects. Students research, utilize technology, analyze, and work collaboratively to complete assignments and projects. Communication and collaboration are crucial to success in every classroom. All of these skills are embedded throughout our academic environment daily. As a result, enrollment in our Fine Arts and Technology Academy continues to increase for zoned and unzoned students.
In our PLTW (Project Lead the Way) program, Robotics, Medical Detectives, and Design and Modeling classes teach students skills that enhance the desired qualities applicable to the profile of a South Carolina Graduate. The classes provide students with the opportunity to be creative, innovative, enhance student interpersonal skills, and promote collaboration and teamwork. Southside recently received an award as a Project Lead the Way Distinguished School for our work in this area.
Additionally, our school is AdvancED STEM Accreditation. We are the first certified school in Florence School One to become AdvancED STEM Certified. This led the way for four additional schools in our district to become AdvancED STEM certified.
Southside continues to lead the way as an innovator with the implementation of One to One. Our school is in its' second year of using HP Chromebooks to provide students instructional technology to promote blended, project-based, and hybrid learning opportunities for students.
“Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders!” is the mission of Southside Middle School. We continue to provide the best educational opportunities for students to enhance their successes in the future. We look forward to our continued focus on a school to transform Southside Middle School learners into the graduates are reflective of the profile of a graduate as defined by Transform South Carolina this school year.