Lamar High School, a Class A high school in the southern region of Darlington County, has a population of 275 students in grades 9-12. Its academic program consists of a comprehensive curriculum of college prep, honors level courses, as well as dual credit opportunities (courses for high school and college credit) in which students may enroll. Our town is very rural with a very limited amount of industry. We have a student population of around 62% African American, 36% Caucasian and 2% Hispanic. We use a variety of avenues to get information to and from our parents and guardians. We utilize PowerSchool, Parent Portal, Schools Connect, Schoology, emails, progress reports, report cards, newsletters, phone calls, parent conferences and home visits in an effort to keep parents and guardians apprised of their student's academic, personal and social growth.
The mission of Lamar High School is to prepare all students to become competent, responsible, and productive individuals by providing challenging educational and extra curricular opportunities in a positive, safe environment supported by the community.
Our Beliefs are:
Parents are the first teachers; therefore, we must employ family and community resources to ensure student success. An environment that emphasizes safety, mutual respect, and academic focus is necessary for learning.
Everyone has the capacity and the responsibility to learn more than they are presently learning and at a higher level. Family, school, and community expectations affect learning and achievement.
Cultural sensitivity is essential to success and well being in our global society.
All faculty, staff and community must be dedicated to the success of every student.
All stakeholders must be dedicated to preparing students to become productive members of society.
We have made good strides in our mission. But, we continue to strive to improve and make necessary changes, based on data, in order to make Lamar High a better school.
Course offerings in visual and performing arts, as well as vocational completer programs, available through the Darlington County Institute of Technology, enhance the academic program at Lamar High School. The extracurricular programs at Lamar High School add the finishing touch needed to provide a well rounded educational experience for our students. Among the numerous academic accomplishments of the Lamar High Silver Foxes, during the 2017-18 school year were the following: 28% of our students made the honor roll each quarter, 39% received awards at the annual academic ceremony, 25% of the graduating class were vocational completers, 43% of the graduating class met the grade point average and class rank requirements for the Life Scholarship, and over $3,114,134 in scholarship money was offered to members of the class of 2018. Our graduation rate in 2017 was 100%. Lamar Silver Foxes had many extracurricular successes in the 2017-18 school year, one of which was winning the State Championship Game in football. The
Boys Basketball Team, Girls Basketball Team, the Boys Baseball Team, the Girls Softball Team and the Track Team had a very good season that lasted well into the playoffs for Upper State Championship. The extracurricular program is further enhanced by the Silver Fox Powerhouse Marching Band and the JROTC Program.
Lamar High School continues to strive for improved student performance on WIN Test, ACT, and EOCEP; which are required tests of our state.