Ocean Drive Elementary is a quaint school that is bordered by homes on all sides. Our school is unique in so many ways to our staff, students, parents, and community. There are connections made to individuals dating back to the 1950's when the school was originally built. Through numerous phases of construction, Ocean Drive Elementary has created a learning environment that currently houses approximately 973 on any given day. Currently, we are at capacity with all spaces utilized. We are approximately ½ mile from the Atlantic Ocean and approximately ½ mile from the Intracoastal Waterway. We are only one of two elementary schools in the Horry County School District located within the city limits. Although we encompass all of the City of North Myrtle Beach elementary students, we also extend north into Little River to include students all the way to the North Carolina state line east of Highway 17.
The City of North Myrtle Beach, in which the school is located, has a population of approximately 15,000 which has shown over a 35% plus increase since 2000 and is continuing to grow. Currently, this area is growing faster than the other attendance areas in Horry County Schools. Ocean Drive Elementary is not a Title I school, so we seek funding by writing grants, and partnering with businesses from our community. Community members support our school above and beyond through service, support, and giving.
Ocean Drive Elementary just completed its third year as a Preschool to Fifth Grade school. This change added challenges, such as an increase in professional staff, state testing, and a broader range of academic levels. The positive impact has been that we have had opportunities to increase long-term relationships with students and parents, vertically align curriculum, and provide mentoring between older and younger students.
Our school is working hard to help all students develop world-class skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by allowing students opportunities to be creative, and innovative by through collaboration and teamwork using critical thinking and problem-solving strategies. Students are using technology to seek information, boost communication and realizing how as individuals they learn and control their own destiny. We believe all students are capable of obtaining a mindset to reach their goals and dreams through their own life and career characteristics.
One of the biggest challenges we face is a growing student population with very little physical space to grow. Another challenge is the large gap between poverty and wealth. Together, these two challenges are something we discuss continually. Therefore, we work diligently with our advisory board and School Improvement Council in order to create solutions and find ways to increase student learning among these challenges.
Renea Fowler, Principal
Jill Chandler, SIC Chair