Ocean Bay Elementary School has had a successful 2017-2018 school year. We continue to embrace our vision to be a premier, world-class school in which every student acquires an excellent education. We are proud of the social, emotional, and academic accomplishments students have made this year. These accomplishments were achieved by focusing on high-quality teaching and learning, Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS), and instilling a growth mindset in our students. In addition, we emphasized the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate which helps prepare students for the future by focusing on developing world class knowledge and skills, as well as life and career characteristics. We do so by providing a warm, caring environment with high expectations for all students. To ensure we continue to meet the needs of each child, we incorporate a wealth of instructional strategies and assessment tools. We utilize our grade level planning times to plan, monitor our pacing, and review assessment data to guide our next steps. The types of data used to determine our next steps include MAP, DIBELS, SC READY, district benchmarks, and both formal and informal assessments. Our leadership team continuously monitors teaching, student learning, and collaborates with teachers at OBE to provide data-driven and differentiated instruction. This year in the classroom, third, fourth and fifth graders were able to utilize devices with a 1:1 ratio. Teachers used these devices to enhance instruction as well as provide students with opportunities for collaboration and creation using digital programs. Digital content programs such as Lexia, RedBird, Achieve3000, and ALEKS, are just a few of the programs used for individualized learning paths for the students.
To support learning outside of the classroom and assist students in making real-world connections, Ocean Bay Elementary organized several events to foster the love for learning. Some of these opportunities include Science Night at the Bay, Family Reading Night, and Art Day at the Bay. All these events were made possible with the support of our teachers and staff, parents, local businesses, SIC and PTO. We also hosted a Parent University Night which is an event to communicate to our parents about relevant, current topics. This year’s focus was Internet Safety. Extra-curricular clubs include Agility Club, Art Club, Show Choir, OBE Robotics Team, Rubik Cube Club, Green Club, Yearbook Club, Golf Club, Patriot’s Club and Good News Club. We also provide students with a Summer Technology and Reading Challenge for students focusing on math and reading programs.
OBE staff and students continue to take pride in serving our community and partnering with local businesses and organizations. On Veterans Day, we honored our visitors with a musical performance performed by our students, followed by a luncheon where students and Veterans had the opportunity to eat lunch and spend quality time together. We made the Angel Tree Program available where families provide clothing and toys for students in need at Christmas time. OBE students participated in the Can-Jam and Helping Hands canned food drives. This year, our school community supported OBE financially to fund a school garden. Our work with sustainably and eco-friendly programs has received national and local recognition. We have continued our Composting Waste program in the cafeteria and Talkin’ Trash recycling program. Through events such as these our school has felt the positive impact by serving our community.