Stono Park Elementary is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by focusing on critical thinking and collaboration among other priorities.
At Stono Park we focus on and are committed to integrating creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration and teamwork, communication information and technology and knowing how to learn into our core program. We will continue to strive to implement the South Carolina State Standards with fidelity while ensuring that the characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate are fully embedded in the school culture.
At Stono Park we place an emphasis on collaboration with the implementation of cooperative learning for students and adults, workshop models in the areas of Math and Reading, student directed activities, and wellness initiatives for the entire family. We believe that instructional improvement resides with a team where teachers and teacher leaders collaborate and work in concert with one another.
Teachers collaborate intentionally by participating in Teacher Curriculum Team meetings, monthly grade level meetings, monthly faculty meetings and professional development sessions. Teachers regularly observe their peers and are able to gain new strategies and insights to collaborate more thoughtfully for the purpose of improving practice. These collaborative opportunities allow teachers to learn and grow with each other. As a result, teachers are able to create experiences that students will be able to utilize in school and beyond.
At Stono Park students are taught to think critically and embrace problem solving. The goal is to promote independent and confident scholars. Teachers utilize strategies such as think- pair -share, stop and jot, and Document Based Questioning to allow children to demonstrate their critical thinking abilities. Teachers serve as facilitators in the classroom and students are able to confidently take risks, assess their own strengths and weaknesses and take ownership for their learning.
At Stono Park Elementary, we believe that it is our charge to develop students who are prepared to compete in a global society. We will continue to equip our students with skills, behaviors, and dispositions that will prepare them ultimately for college and career readiness.
Latrice Smalls, Interim Principal
Griselda Gathers, SIC Chair