Angel Oak Elementary is a Title I school that is driven by the concepts of differentiation, student engagement and the infusion of the arts in all classrooms. Our school supports all students in developing the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by focusing on the use of student-driven, data-informed instruction that cultivates creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Through the use of arts-integrated strategies tied to rigorous standards, students are challenged to explore and express learning in engaging and creative ways. Teachers use data regularly to differentiate instruction for students based on individual needs and to challenge students through higher order questioning and innovative lesson design. Students are provided with extensive related arts classes that support whole-child learning including dance, music, visual art, physical education and Spanish. Character development and PBIS programs are implemented that promote individual and collaborative efficacy, self-direction, empathy, compassion and the development of a global perspective. The school is developing a STEAM makerspace where students can explore design and engineering processes in creative and collaborative ways. Every classroom has a SMART board and 1:1 iPads to enable every student to keep pace with our ever changing world of technology. Students are offered eleven different after school club opportunities including drama club, Girl's Club, Spanish club, student council, cooking club and a competition winning robotics team. Our school also supports a championship winning tennis team and three baseball teams that play in collaboration with our local community league. Students worked with the community and local universities to build a garden on campus and have learned to be good stewards of our earth through composting and recycling.
Our Angel Oak Family has participated in many academic, social, and community activities this year. These include: Literacy and Math Family Nights, Multicultural Day, Reading Partners, breakfasts for family members, a musical production of the Jungle Book and several art competitions. Increased communication and community support has helped PTA membership to increase by four times this year. Our SIC (School Improvement Council) has been dedicated to supporting literacy development and an increase in scores in our early learning data is a direct, positive reflection of their efforts. Angel Oak has exceptional community partners such as Kiawah Cares, Engaging Creative Minds, Reading Partners and Communities in Schools which assist both teachers and students with academic and material needs. Angel Oak Elementary was awarded “Most Improved School” in the CCSD ISF grant study, a “Wellness Achievement Award” from MUSC Boeing Center for Children's Wellness, and was included on the Seesaw List of “Most Active, Student-Driven Schools”. We also received Charleston Marathon and TangerKids grants to support innovative learning in our school for the 2018-19 school year.
Angel Oak is systematically moving towards excellence in all areas. Our goal is to meet every learner’s needs and help each student reach their maximum potential.
Judith Condon, Principal
Michelle Faust, SIC Chair