At Minnie Hughes Elementary School (MHES), we are creating a school culture of teamwork, collaboration, and commitment to ensure that we are educating all students with the ongoing development of the World Class Skills and Life and Career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Minnie Hughes Elementary draws a clear direction of continued use of digital content. In fact, on the 17-18 South Carolina School Student Engagement Survey of Accountability, 59% of MHES students agree that using the computer makes them excited about learning. Digital content has been an ongoing support for our students learning and will also enhance our personalized learning goals in 17-18 and the upcoming school year.
Minnie Hughes will continue to provide Talent and Development- focused curriculum that provides hands-on learning opportunities, exploration, inquiry and life and career characteristics that will go beyond the classroom. This is evidenced by the fact that 47% of our students on the South Carolina Elementary School Student Engagement Survey of Accountability responded that they talk about learning in their school environment. When educators and scholars collaborate about their own learning goals for success this year this will provide the teacher with a more in-depth focal point of the individual learning of their students in the classroom. The students at MHES will get to know more about themselves and how they learn and be able to reflect on their response to learning critiques.
Minnie Hughes Elementary is focused on a vision of instructional learning that will provide a school culture shift with academic rigor to challenge our scholars on knowing how to learn and grow themselves. Minnie Hughes Elementary will continue to provide a safe and caring environment; 95% of our students responded on the SC Elementary School Student Engagement Survey of Accountability that they feel safe at Minnie Hughes Elementary. This is the type of environment that provides an education in which all children to grow. Minnie Hughes will continue to provide this environment through the collaboration of teachers, parents, and a school community that will ensure that our school environment supports education for all.
Minnie Hughes teachers are accountable for finding research-based strategies that will support the World Class Skills and Life and Career Characteristics by using their creativity and being innovators in the classroom through lesson planning, technology integration and establishing key learning skills. This educational style of creativity and innovation can be seen in our new programs and academic developments: Success Club Tutorials, Rise Program, Talent and Development Curriculum, Curriculum Night, Data Night, Reading Night, and many more innovative systems of learning are being implemented to support the 21st-century learner and the South Carolina Graduate. Our school community values our commitment along with our balanced initiatives, in leading our students to a brighter future.
Minnie Hughes Vision for Advancement :
Minnie Hughes will be a school that is committed to educating all students and where 21st-century learning, collaboration, and high academic standards for all students is reached. The commitment will be seen in the educators, students, parents and community who advocates supporting the visionary outcomes of the school. The commitment will empower our students to become contributing and productive citizens for the future of the community and their own well-being.
Ms. B.Berry, Principal
Mrs. Jacquelyn Smith, SIC Chair